An integrative and side effect free alternative to Botox (60 - 90 mins depending on the part of the face treated - 60€)

Aesthetic acupuncture is based on the principles of classical acupuncture, the ancient practice of traditional alternative Chinese medicine for treating several kinds of inflammations and imbalances. Specifically, depending on the area of the face, neck or décolleté to be treated, are imported ultra-thin, solid, metallic and flexible needles are inserted into the epidermis at strategic points and at a shallow depth in order to cause micro-inclusions into the skin, so that more collagen can be produced. It is an impressively effective treatment that intensifies anti-aging, noticeably reduces expression wrinkles and finally completely eliminates the need for a botox or other injectable treatments.

Results are visible from the first session, but it takes at least 8-10 sessions for a more permanent result.